my life!
name......Divine Joy
* daily student of the Holy Bible
* i really like chocolate
* My Bloginality is INTJ!
interests... serving God, fitness, vegetarian cooking, travel, play the harp, needlearts
i'm reading: Ways of White Folks
next - Child of the Dark

my $$$!

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Thursday, March 24, 2005
from a fortune cookie company in Illinois

i never eat these when i buy Chinese food. i toss them in a bowl as soon as i get home. peeked at the messages tonight...

* you are capable, competent, creative, careful. prove it.
* there is a prospect of a thrilling time ahead for you.
* you will travel far and wide for both pleasure and business.
* you will be unusual successful in business.
* you are the master of every situation.
* an old friend introduce you to new people and pleasures.
* aert misunderstanding by calm, poise and balance.
* your talents will be recognized and suitably rewarded.
* ignorance never settles a queston.
JMS scribed at 10:12 PM - -

Monday, March 21, 2005
rimble, rumble, ramble, brumble

- is Mel re-releasing Passion because of the Oscar snub?
- Billy Idol is coming to town. why does all the advertisements show a photo of him in his 20's?
- i watched a show on 100 Most Wanted Bodies. my body looks like that. i'll like to see what they look like when they're 40+ years.
- using a microwave reminds me of the Jetsons. who'd thunk it?
- does Alaska have a NCAA Basketball team?
- i hate music on websites. it slows and stalls my computer.
- i just received my first ever request for jury duty. this should be interesting.
- go O State!
JMS scribed at 12:44 PM - -

Monday, March 14, 2005

Congratulations O State !!
2005 Big 12 NCAA Basketball Champions !!

JMS scribed at 9:01 AM - -

Friday, March 11, 2005
poppin' in...

...for only a minute. my assignments have changed at work. actually the job is much easier, although there is a lot more responsiblity.

been concentrating on fitness. trying to tone up a bit...

i plan to see Robots this weekend. also, take a 10-mile hike on an urban lake trail.

be back in a couple of days with "rambles to make you say"...hmmmm...

JMS scribed at 9:23 AM - -

Monday, March 07, 2005
i'm watching God too

Thy hands have made me and fashioned me: give me understanding, that I may learn thy commandments. - Psalm 119:73
JMS scribed at 9:35 AM - -

copyright 2002-2004, j. smith
all rights reserved.