my life!
name......Divine Joy
* daily student of the Holy Bible
* i really like chocolate
* My Bloginality is INTJ!
interests... serving God, fitness, vegetarian cooking, travel, play the harp, needlearts
i'm reading: Ways of White Folks
next - Child of the Dark

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Thursday, April 29, 2004

it's that time of year again. my cornfield is so big. if you laid the rows out one-by-one, it would probably be a 1/4 mile long. i have a little bit of every thing this year, and hope to grow grapes on the vine (takes 3 years).

post pictures when i can.
JMS scribed at 12:58 PM - -

Sunday, April 25, 2004
life source - keeps me moving

i was planning to be a hermit today, and not leave the house. just veg infront of the tv, yoga, read, etc. well, i'm out of water. no human can live without water!

therefore, i must shower, get dress and go to the store. dang it.
JMS scribed at 2:42 PM - -

Thursday, April 22, 2004
what does your name mean?

my real name is Hebrew and means "God is gracious".

it fits me.
JMS scribed at 12:13 AM - -

Wednesday, April 21, 2004
hail storm

wow! today was different. i live in Oklahoma (tornado alley). this tornado alert was unlike any other. it brought major hail. i was driving home from work when big massive hail stones starting hitting the car. rain so wild i couldn't see! i yelled for Jehovah to help me. i exit the freeway to get under a bridge. within minutes the wind started whirling with heavy rain. listening to the radio, the storm had move out east. even now, several hours later there is still tornado activity and new flashes with more warnings.

the hail was so thick, it looked like it has snowed 2 or 3 inches.


Revelation 16:21: And there fell upon men a great hail out of heaven, every stone about the weight of a talent: and men blasphemed God because of the plague of the hail; for the plague thereof was exceeding great.

Weather is controlled by God. It rains on the just and unjust. Let us learned from it, and understand God is in charge of all things, at all times. We should never question or judge what He does.

JMS scribed at 11:36 PM - -

Monday, April 19, 2004
Sony Pictures - Big Fish

this ecentric movie stank! a son felt he did not really know his dad because all he heard throughout his life were stories, which he thought were fabrication. at his dad’s funeral, all the people showed up who were in the stories, thus making them true. the stories were wack! over the top numbing. i hate i wasted my time watching it, waiting, hoping Tim Burton would add something worthwhile. nothing!! big fish is a flop.
JMS scribed at 9:54 AM - -

Sunday, April 18, 2004

1. Grab the nearest book.
2. Open the book to page 23.
3. Find the fifth sentence.
4. Post the text of the sentence on your blog.

The record or play menu will display.

Preparing the Camera - Canon PowerShot A300 Instructional Manual
JMS scribed at 9:32 PM - -

Friday, April 16, 2004

* i waited until the last minute and was at the post office last night at 10:30 PM. if only i could get a refund, i would mail it sooner.
* my niece had cosmetic work on her teeth to close her gap. it looks strange knowing her for 28 years with one, and now she doesn't look like she's related to anyone. everyone in my family have beautiful gaps!
* i'm loving white chocolate right now. i know, i know. dark chocolate is healthier.
* A&E is adding 2 new reality shows - Airline and Family Plots. not sure i will have time to watch. the mortuary one looks interesting. surely they won't show dead bodies.
* gasoline is higher in the suburbs.
* updated Spiritual Juice with poems and commenting.

JMS scribed at 10:14 PM - -


JMS scribed at 9:42 PM - -

Thursday, April 15, 2004
dump trump

there was no way a Black Man could win The Apprentice even when he is more qualified and educated. i prefer a manager that doesn't ask the same questions over and over, and keeps a cool head even in stressful situations. the choice was purely bias. its actually a blessing. i wouldn't want to work in that organization anyway.

an article in Time last week said the casinos are not doing well. you wouldn't know that with the way the word "spectacular" was used, over and over. yech!
JMS scribed at 10:10 PM - -

Saturday, April 10, 2004

Fairly Addicted

Fairly Addicted

You are fairly addicted to online tests. While not to be taken lightly, your addiction is still manageable.

Take this test at queech.com and find out how addicted you are!

JMS scribed at 9:53 PM - -

Thursday, April 08, 2004
- - -

not a whole lot going on right now. made some wack mistakes on the job that has my boss looking at me funny. some of my assignments were spread out to reduce the amount of overtime i was working. ok with me. i like a 8 to 5er. i guess being more relaxed made me ease up on my laurels a bit and the errors came. i'm back in effect and things should turn around.

well, its that time to remember The Lord's Supper. i don't do rabbit and eggs. they're nowhere in the good book, so i don't go for that.

- i feel Condi is telling the truth. politricks is an awful game nonetheless.
- Omarosa lied. period point blank.

time for bed.

JMS scribed at 10:53 PM - -

Sunday, April 04, 2004

this is my way to live

What about yours?

made by rav-chan

Isaiah 26:3: Thou wilt keep him in perfect peace, whose mind is stayed on thee: because he trusteth in thee.

that's the real reason i have fun!

JMS scribed at 12:25 PM - -

trip to the zoo

i have a membership and go at least once a month. i'm sure the animals will soon know me by name.

--->>>pictures removed until reformat completed<<<--

our zoo is a great jogging track on early weekend mornings.
JMS scribed at 10:40 AM - -

bad dream!!!

i went to a salon and said, "wash and comb through". i looked in the mirror after the stylist was finished and noticed my locks had been cut off. my hair was about four inches long. i started to cry. what i meant to say was "wash and massage". i woke up and was relieved to feel my locks flourishing on my head.

i'm really loving my locks. it's amazing how fast they grow. my hair is so easy to care for, there's no reason for me to go to a salon anyway.

i ate too much white chocolate before bed.

JMS scribed at 9:10 AM - -

Friday, April 02, 2004

* the new KSwiss ramli shoes in white/red look good with that stripe. i also like Puma a lot.
* i tape Jeopardy! everyday. i should go on the show. who is...
* it's Spring and i still was some Uggs.
* tonight its a freebie - Jonny Vang
JMS scribed at 8:01 PM - -

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all rights reserved.