my life!
name......Divine Joy
* daily student of the Holy Bible
* i really like chocolate
* My Bloginality is INTJ!
interests... serving God, fitness, vegetarian cooking, travel, play the harp, needlearts
i'm reading: Ways of White Folks
next - Child of the Dark

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Friday, December 31, 2004
tsunami !!
updated link

He shall judge among the heathen, he shall fill the places with the dead bodies; he shall wound the heads over many countries. - Psalm 110:6

JMS scribed at 6:03 AM - -

Sunday, December 26, 2004
Happy Kwanzaa!

JMS scribed at 2:14 PM - -

Tuesday, December 21, 2004
i'm thinking about...

- why am i wasting time reading other people feedback on eBay – nosy round seeing what they bought?
- i am so tried of the same actors – Samuel, Denzel, Laurence. please Hollywood, there are several more brothers we want to see work.
- who is Van Hunt, and is he begging?
- medicine is killing people, not helping them. will the flu shot be the next recall? just like it says in Jeremiah 46:11 – "… in vain shalt thou use many medicines; for thou shalt not be cured.?"
- i need to clean up to host Kwanzaa next week.
- that's the last time i go with the critics. SharkTale is good. Go see...
- it is hard for me to squeeze time in to post to this blog.
- Ricky Williams was on 60 minutes Sunday saying he smoked marijuana. they showed his house and told where he lived. isn’t that stuff illegal?
- hmmm, The Donald picks another butt kisser, and not a qualified candidate. i wasn’t planning to watch another year, but now i'm curious to see who will win out of the book smarts, and the street smarts. its probably rigged.
- i received a card yesterday from someone i knew in the past, and i never really liked (platonic). i have made a point not to communicate with him in the past 6 years. when, oh when will he get the message to LEAVE ME ALONE.
- bad habits = health problems. makes sense…
- here’s a free credit report. tell me if it works…
- who votes for the Source Awards? is there hateration going on?
- was Ken Jennings asked to leave from Jeporady! It seemed v-e-r-y noticeable.


JMS scribed at 10:40 AM - -

Thursday, December 09, 2004
a tornado coming through, Oklahoma in the house, what you gonna do?
Sooner Anthem by Nitro

Big 12 Champions !!!

JMS scribed at 8:45 PM - -

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