my life!
name......Divine Joy
* daily student of the Holy Bible
* i really like chocolate
* My Bloginality is INTJ!
interests... serving God, fitness, vegetarian cooking, travel, play the harp, needlearts
i'm reading: Ways of White Folks
next - Child of the Dark

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Tuesday, December 31, 2002

Today is the sixth day of Kwanzaa.

Greeting: "Habari gani?" (What's new?)
Response: Kuumba!

Kuumba (Creativity)
To do always as much as we can, in the way we can, in order to leave our community more beautiful and beneficial than we inherited it.

JMS scribed at 12:35 PM - -

Monday, December 30, 2002

Today is the fifth day of Kwanzaa.

Greeting: "Habari gani?" (What's new?)
Response: Nia!

Nia (Purpose)
To make our collective vocation the building and developing of our community in order to restore our people to their traditional greatness.

JMS scribed at 10:25 AM - -

Sunday, December 29, 2002

Today is the fourth day of Kwanzaa.

Greeting: "Habari gani?" (What's new?)
Response: Ujamaa!

Ujamaa (Cooperative Economics)
To build and maintain our own stores, shops and other businesses and to profit from them together.

JMS scribed at 8:31 AM - -

Saturday, December 28, 2002

Today is the third day of Kwanzaa.

"Habari gani?" Ujima I-net family.

Ujima (Collective Work and Responsibility)
To build and maintain our community together and make our brother's and sister's problems our problems and to solve them together.

JMS scribed at 9:24 AM - -

Friday, December 27, 2002
why I stopped doing Christmas

someone at my office asked me about Christmas this morning. when i told him i didn’t participate, and that i celebrated Kwanzaa he was generally interested. i explained the need for our race to reiterate positive things due to the past, and the effects it has had on us, and those around us. Kwanzaa helps us understand this and is good for personal growth. your value is not put on things you receive or buy.

4 years ago i was very interested in having a close relationship with God. i prayed for wisdom. i have always been hungry for the word, and he answered my prayer. i was able to read the Holy Bible in its entirety and gather spiritual truths.

when i came across this scripture I had to question my actions –
Jer:10:2: Thus saith the LORD, Learn not the way of the heathen, and be not dismayed at the signs of heaven; for the heathen are dismayed at them.
Jer:10:3: For the customs of the people are vain: for one cutteth a tree out of the forest, the work of the hands of the workman, with the axe.
Jer:10:4: They deck it with silver and with gold; they fasten it with nails and with hammers, that it move not.
Jer:10:5: They are upright as the palm tree, but speak not: they must needs be borne, because they cannot go. Be not afraid of them; for they cannot do evil, neither also is it in them to do good.

i knew something was wrong. i immediately started to research the origin of Christmas. i was shocked with what I found. it is actually sex worship for pagan gods called Saturnalia.

here's another interesting site - montanasat

Christmas has nothing to do with the birth of Christ. plus he told us to remember his death, not his birth.

i hope the best to everyone who loves Jesus Christ our Lord and Saviour.

SET 5-57
JMS scribed at 11:27 AM - -


Today is the second day of Kwanzaa.

"Habari gani?" Kujichagulia I-net family.

Kujichagulia (Self-Determination)
To define ourselves, name ourselves, create for ourselves and speak for ourselves.

JMS scribed at 6:27 AM - -

Thursday, December 26, 2002
today's rambling

* Kwanzaa reminds me of the first fruits festival commanded by God in Exodus 23. it last 7 days...
* i was feenin' for cable while it was off when i moved.
* i have too many clothes.
* Pillsbury's Ready To Bake cookies should be outlawed. they are too fast, too easy, and too good.
* i love my new apartment!

updated Spiritual Juice

SET 1-04

JMS scribed at 7:37 PM - -


Today is the first day of Kwanzaa.

"Habari gani?" Umoja I-net family.

Umoja (Unity)
To strive for and maintain unity in the family, community, nation and race.
JMS scribed at 6:51 PM - -

Wednesday, December 25, 2002
how well do you know me?

click here to take My Quiz


read about Kwanzaa.

JMS scribed at 8:47 AM - -


time for me to start haulin' these boxes and sacks across the courtyard. i never "finished" packing so it might take longer than expected. i'm still excited.

Starting tomorrow, please join me in a virtual Kwanzaa celebration!!!

SET 5-34
my mind was elsewhere...

JMS scribed at 8:33 AM - -

Tuesday, December 24, 2002
early prison release

first Kentucky, now California... even my state of Oklahoma is talking about releasing prisoners early. will society suffer? isn't it a crap shot right now away? the retailers will raise prices because some crooks will steal them blind. drugs will become more rampant. domestic violence will go up. again, these are the crimes of the convicts that are being released, unless of course they have truly learned from their mistakes.

if we need to cut costs, i say, stop feeding them three times a day. have you seen some convicts? a lot of them are fat from sitting around doing nothing. if they are criminals, they will lose some rights. cut the heat down. honestly, i think there is a better solution for this then an early release. being caged like an animal (i.e. incareration) can really mess you up. i ain't for having a bunch of pissed off, unemployed, people around me right now. i'm dealing with that from people who have not committed a crime.

hey, what about creating a mandatory military sign-up of some sort?

JMS scribed at 10:51 AM - -

dang, i left my lunch at home. i hate to buy lunch when i have so much food at home.

i did grab my notebook, in case i needed to scribe a poem.

i got what was most important...

JMS scribed at 9:22 AM - -

making the band 2
doesn't look like the website is updated with last night's episode yet

i was right with P. Diddy on his choices, except for Chopper. this is going to be interesting. i really think the decision to add Chopper was a personal one. the boy is a timebomb waiting to explode. literally. i really like Ness after the battle he had with Jae Mills, the local rapster.

SET 1-41

JMS scribed at 8:58 AM - -

Monday, December 23, 2002

i am a semi-doll collector. my aunt is a painter/artist who also makes and sells dolls. she gave me a doll about 6 years ago. very beautiful cloth doll. an original - one of a kind. i've picked up a few more since then.

i'm not collecting them to sell them at a later date for mega millions. i just like seeing dolls with hairstyles like mine. i also collect lions. they must have a certain look. so far i've only found five (wood craving, coaster set, socks, and 2 stuffed) and 2 pictures. All total i've spent only $36.00, so it is an inexpensive hobby. edit: i have a gold lion pendant too. it's my bling bling piece.

here's my first porcelain doll. i named her Africa. i've had her 2 years or so.

i'm enjoying the snow. planning for Kwanzaa. a new year approaches. my boss is being supa nice (what's up with that?). program changes in my radio show. gathering boxes. packing. changing utilities. whew!

SET 2-25

JMS scribed at 11:25 PM - -

Sunday, December 22, 2002
i agree with this...

What Pattern Are You?

SET 1-58

JMS scribed at 1:16 PM - -

Saturday, December 21, 2002
mi casa su frio

brrr,...the heat is out again! three times in what, two weeks? i called my landlord and said, enough is enough. i asked to move to a bigger unit, in a different building. at least twice as big. since i didn't want to move, but had to move, i got a great deal on my rent. so, i will start the new year in a new place.

i will move sometime next week. they're predicting 6-8" of snow, so it will be interesting.

SET 2-04

JMS scribed at 7:57 PM - -

Friday, December 20, 2002
Denzel's debut

i had planned to see Antwone Fisher this weekend. Just found out it's not playing in my town. i might stop by and rent Hurricane instead. i hadn't seen it yet.

SET 1-1

JMS scribed at 9:52 AM - -

crazy commercials

i have been laughing silly at some of the commercials on tv. the KIA spot with the "sales monkey" is a hoot. and what's up with Cingular and the dog "rollover". did these commericals help sales? the main thing was to get our attention, and they did get mine. hmmm...
JMS scribed at 9:49 AM - -

Thursday, December 19, 2002
fun link

in case you are ever out of ideas, here's a slogan generator. i know, i know, you always needed one...

SET 1-56

JMS scribed at 11:24 AM - -

Wednesday, December 18, 2002
can we save BET's quality shows?

i've just been made aware that BET is canceling the shows that give substance and direction. If you have never watched BET Tonight, check it out. its a great show.

here's a link to a petition to make your voice heard.

if you have a weblog it would help to post the petition there and get the word out.

JMS scribed at 1:08 PM - -


divine joy is truly at the heart of all creation and is the essence of our own self
divine joy is like millions of earthly joys crushed into one
divine joy is a gift which is given to us at the point of salvation
divine joy is in everyone
divine joy is infallible evidence of the presence of god
divine joy is the basic idea of living
divine joy is infinitely more powerful than pleasure
divine joy is cordial water
divine joy is a state of
divine joy is righteousness
divine joy is the sole purpose of life
divine joy is in the fullness of love
divine joy is within us and create a greater conviction that it is the experience that we
divine joy is not bursting through
divine joy is the sole purpose of our life
divine joy is introduced
divine joy is radiated by the processes of gaia
divine joy is but begun in this life; it is perfected in glory'
divine joy is the privilege of all consecrated believers
divine joy is present at every wedding
divine joy is a delicate thing which is not given to one who seeks any other
divine joy is ours today
divine joy is greater than all the worldly joy that people seek here on planet earth
divine joy is that once the moment subsides it is hard to avoid inheriting the deepest despair of the universe
divine joy is settled
divine joy is spurting from your heart and permeating each cell of your body
divine joy is the only reality
divine joy is not obscured by any suffering and it seizes her entire being
divine joy is his face
divine joy is from you and i just ask
divine joy is not always rapturous
divine joy is eternal and unchanging
divine joy is right within my heart
divine joy is a force for progressive evolution; human pleasure
divine joy is full joy
divine joy is not described in the text
divine joy is available to all who are willing to serve the lord with the same degree of commitment as ammon and his companions
divine joy is concerned
divine joy is obtained
divine joy is made known throughout all heaven
divine joy is planted in the soul by the holy spirit
divine joy is not deferred till our entrance into the celestial kingdom
divine joy is bestowed upon those who serve the lord jesus with a loving heart
divine joy is greater when holy life is found in the raising
divine joy is his supreme self
divine joy is out of order

updated Spiritual Juice

SET 1-44

JMS scribed at 9:37 AM - -

Tuesday, December 17, 2002
lotta baggage

Trent Lott looked and acted sincere on BET last night. it's too late. Ed was ready with his voting record. that was soooo cool.

you really have to consider your ways and actions, thoughout your whole life. sure there is a learning curve, and youth allows for mistakes. we all mature and grow. eventually you have to retain instruction and come correct.

SET 1-3
Monday SET 2-21

i have played this game every day for about 3 months. wow!.

JMS scribed at 4:18 PM - -

here's an old Tuesday's This or That...

1. Art or science museum? both, i would say science moreso because it is so fascinating and miraculous
2. Play or watch sports? watch
3. Zoo or circus? zoo
4. Theater: film or live on stage? both, if i must choose, i would pick stage
5. Rock concert or the symphony? symphony, but not classical. i like contemporary instrumental and baroque, plus - i play the harp!
6. Movies: see them in a theater or wait for DVD/VHS? both, those i really want to see i go to the theater, i have very few DVDs
7. Board games or computer/video games? computer
8. Hobbies: crafts (art, cooking, home repair, etc) or collecting (coins, stamps, rocks, etc)? crafts
9. Watch TV or read a book? both, i really enjoy a combination of the two
10. Eating out: fancy, white-tablecloth restaurant or casual dining? casual, i don't want to think about my elbows.

JMS scribed at 1:35 PM - -

Monday, December 16, 2002
i'm part of this flock

Which flock do you follow?

this quiz was made by alanna

Sunday SET 1-44

JMS scribed at 10:00 AM - -

Saturday, December 14, 2002
my Saturday

i went to an early showing of the movie with my sister. afterwards i came home to take a nap. it was 4 hours. i didn't feel that tired when i laid down. guess i was...

after waking up i got a telemarketing call. this was a survey for television viewing so i participated. made $15.00 for 38 minutes. not bad. i even signed up to receive more calls, and make some more moola. hope it brings more shows i want to watch to the tube.

other than that, i'm going to relax at home tonight. joy, joy.

SET 2-35

JMS scribed at 11:16 PM - -

Friday, December 13, 2002
dolla stoles

i hope everyone understands the ebonics i used in the title. that is where i spent my lunch hour today. i must say, i am always surprised with the value of some of the items i find there. i am a cookbook fanatic. i bought 4 very nice cookbooks, with pictures, and the coatings to easily wipe off spills. i mean these were high dollar books for only $1! very impressive.

JMS scribed at 2:31 PM - -

support the arts

a friend of mine went to see a sneak showing of the movie Drumline and said it is very good. worth 2 viewings. this will take me back to my years attending an HBCU.

SET 4-59
JMS scribed at 10:29 AM - -

Thursday, December 12, 2002

i tried out the online banking. if you haven't, please do. it is a breeze. i was able to find most of my payees. this will really cut down on the cost of stamps.

wow, first email. now online banking, and whatever else. at one time, working at the post office was popular in my part of the world. now they are almost obsolete. what a difference a day makes.

i haven't taken into consideration all the changes in my life with technology. i know there are a lot. my sister made the comment "where would we be without electricity." deep thought. i like a lot of things favored with the simplicity of life, but i love my PC!

SET 2-30

JMS scribed at 8:46 AM - -

Wednesday, December 11, 2002
silly Jackson games

it was only a matter of time…
Game 1
Game 2

rimble, ramble, rumble

* i’ve never had a passport.
* The Fifth Element is still my favorite movie, even after 5 years.
* picked up a telescope. now what?
* no toe polish in the winter for me. (insert picture here – can’t, my digi camera broke, ugh.)
* i want a chia pet!

updated Spiritual Juice

SET 1-37

JMS scribed at 10:04 AM - -

Tuesday, December 10, 2002
here's the Monday Mission.

1. Do you get sick very often? What illness do you find that you've had most frequently? Do you mind going to see the Doctor when you get sick? Do you know anyone who just refuses to go to a Doctor when they get ill? Any idea why they are like that?
i never get sick. i avoid doctors like the plague. My reason is spiritual.

2. How about visiting the Dentist? Do you go get a check-up every 6 months? Or do you dread going?
my visits are never too bad. i just hate the thought of someone poking around in my mouth. i plan to get checkups once a year.

3. Have you ever taken any diet pills, energy pills or energy drinks? How did they make you feel? Do you still take them? How come?
i took diet pills for a short while many, many years ago, and never really saw a difference in my mood or body. they were some cheap pills and didn’t contain any speed or anything like that. i would never take them now.

4. Have you heard about "Gastric Bypass" surgery that many celebrities are doing to loose weight? (The process reduces the size of your stomach to facilitate weight loss) What are your thoughts on this procedure? Would you ever consider it? How would you feel if a relative were to decide to undergo the procedure?
yes, i’ve heard of it. i think it is ghastly. i would never consider it. I do understand the challenge because food is sooooo good.

4. What do you think the opposite sex needs to experience to fully understand what it is like to be your gender?
without a doubt - menstrual cycle.

5. What's the most worthless gadget, infomercial item or "looked like a bargain" item you have ever purchased or owned?
hmmm, can’t think of anything. i try hard not to buy worthless gadgets. i did want the small sewing machine i saw recently. talked myself out of it.


and now from the archives, we have... Tuesday's This or That.

1. Hershey's Kisses: with or without almonds? with – i’m trying to go without nuts right now, but almonds are hard to resist.
2. Wizard of Oz: Scarecrow or Tin Man? Tin Man – gotta have a heart.
3. Meat eater or vegetarian? vegetarian
4. Buy books or borrow them? borrow! i’m a library addict.
5. At the bank: ATM or human teller? ATM
6. Oil or gas (or other) heat? electric? (i think…)
7. Pen or pencil? pen – prefer the uniball micro by Sanford
8. Drive or use public transit? drive (with personalize tags… lol)
9. Who IS James Bond: Sean Connery or Pierce Brosnan (or any of the others in between)? Pierce Brosnan
10. Your ideal breakfast: full (bacon/sausage, eggs, pancakes, etc) or continental (bagels, muffins, fruit, cereal)? continental

JMS scribed at 4:22 PM - -

my Tuesday

i didn't make it back to the fashion show on Sunday. i wash my clothes at my mom's and that can take quite a few hours, doing one load at a time. actually it took 5 hours. i was so tired that i canceled. it seemed like my sister didn't mine at all. she had plenty to do herself.

still waiting on an affliate check from this company. they gave me the runaround the last time i called them. i removed all their links. i kinda leary about this affliate stuff now. i'm giving CD Baby a chance.

i'll be back to do a questionnaire or 2.

SET 2-13

JMS scribed at 1:58 PM - -

Monday, December 09, 2002

Unemployment rate is up.
JMS scribed at 9:51 AM - -

be careful

Eshe is sharing some thoughts that we probably don't consider, when it comes to AIDS.

SET 0-45
JMS scribed at 9:09 AM - -

Sunday, December 08, 2002
weekly quiz

I am linus

Which Peanuts Character Are You Quiz

SET 1-58
JMS scribed at 9:40 PM - -

Saturday, December 07, 2002
black star power

the expo was fun. i saw some old high school friends. i felt bad about one guy. i didn't remember him, and i could see he was disappointed by it. watched the drill teams perform. a lot of nice exhibits. my sister and i plan to go again tomorrow and see a hair and fashion show. no pictures to share. maybe i'll take some on Sunday.

i met one guy who is planning a trip to Africa in 3 months. he was trying to get a group of people together. it might be fun but i'll stay in the USA for now.

SET 5-02

JMS scribed at 11:15 PM - -

Friday, December 06, 2002
weekend plans

i will be attending the Oklahoma Black Expo this weekend. should be lots of fun. i enjoy the sites and sounds of these events. there will be some exhibits on Kwanzaa that wasn't there last year.

i'll get back to you on the happenings. have a great weekend!

SET 1-19

JMS scribed at 10:34 AM - -

Thursday, December 05, 2002
back to the grind

i stayed home from work yesterday because of the ice storm. actually, it didn’t snow that much where I live. it missed me by about 30 miles or so. i usually wait one day and let the other cars make a path in the ice. i missed a day, and one day’s pay. can i borrow a buck or 2? LOL!

SET 2-34

these topics posts really be tellin’ my bizness… here’s Thursday’s:

1. Would you like to know the precise date of your death?
yes and no. it would be nice to know the time, but it is so important to me to always be living a life that at any moment, i could die and be ok with my life or what i was doing at that very minute.

2. Do you have a favorite sexual fantasy? Would you like to have it fulfilled? (Details are not necessary in your answer.)
no to both.

3. If you had to be trapped in a TV show for a month, which show would you choose? Consider the setting, the characters, the lifestyle, etc.
Half&Half. lots of love on that show.

JMS scribed at 3:13 PM - -

Wednesday, December 04, 2002
rambling day

* was the bombing in Kenya foreknown by our government?
* i wonder how popular the Hip Hoptionary will be?
* are we being told about all acts of terror? the cruise ship viruses are suspect.
* it’s snowing!! :D

updated Spiritual Juice

SET 3-19

the Wednesday topic site is down right now, so i’m doing an old one…

humpday hump

1) Would you say you had a good childhood or a bad childhood? What made it so either way? i had a good childhood. i lived in a neighborhood with a lot of children near my age. my Dad sneaking McDonalds in the movies. living in a family that expressed their love to me daily...even today. my parents putting the needs of their children before their own.

2) Were you the athlete, the brain, the princess, the criminal, or the basket case? (stereotypes direct from the end of the Breakfast Club) the brain although i had some bouts of basket case…lol i ran track too. i could be all of them at one time or another.

3) Did you attend a private school or a public school? If private, were there uniforms involved? public

4) Favorite teacher in elementary and secondary schools? Why were they your favorites? Mrs. Corbin. i only remember her name because we were born on the same day, and she thought that was exciting. i can’t think of one teacher who took the time to try and encourage me. not one. i encouraged myself and graduated at age 16. :D

JMS scribed at 12:15 PM - -

Tuesday, December 03, 2002
growing old(er)

mankind has learned a lot of things in life except how we age. it is very unusual to have a body that will heal itself of cuts and broken bones, but yet still grow old. i look young, dress boho, and have an upbeat personality. even with all that, age will still find a way to peek out. how? gray hair!!! yesterday i found 4 gray hairs in my head.

i shy away from all chemicals, so i won’t be dyeing my hair. there’s something to be learned by it. grrr…

SET 10-22
mega hard today :-(

ok, this is from another topic group. its called Tuesday's This or That. i picked one from a few weeks back…

1. Long or short hair? long hair (wooly and locked for me)
2. Microwave or conventional oven? conventional – i love to cook!
3. Plain or Peanut M&M's? plain – right now i don’t need any added calories...lol
4. "101 Dalmations"...animated or live-action version? hmmm, humans please…
5. Drink out of bottle/can or pour into a glass? glass – i’m a lady. ;-)
6. Sunlight or moonlight? sunlight – need my (D) vitamin, plus i’m a daytime person
7. Kermit the Frog or Miss Piggy? Kermit!!
8. Glasses or contact lenses (or neither)? neither
9. Action movies or chick flicks? chick flick – patiently waiting on "Deliver Us From Eva".
10. Toilet seat...up or down? as long as its been flushed, doesn’t matter.
JMS scribed at 10:32 AM - -

Monday, December 02, 2002
i will participate in some of the weblog daily topic groups. here’s one:

Monday Mission

1. Suppose God (or your deity of choice) grants you one miracle. Consider the world in which we live. Consider your life and family. What would you request for this miracle? Are you sure that is the best way to use it? You only get one.
my request as always is that His will be done. being a student of life and an avid reader of the Holy Bible, i understand that nothing in life matters more than what God wants.

2. I believe that prayers do get answered, but I realize not everyone agrees. Have you ever had an experience where you truly believe your prayer was answered? If you don't believe in such things, how come? What is your philosophy on prayer?
yes, God answers prayers, and fast! the most memorable prayer was for me to have wisdom to understand the Holy Bible.

3. Have you ever lost a pet? That is, have you ever had a pet get loose, run away or be stolen? Did you get it back? How did the loss impact your life?
a pet died several years ago that i had for a long time. i gave her away and the people who had her said she starved herself after i left.

4. Getting together with family at the holidays is great, I just love it. Most of all I love the food. What is your favorite holiday food?
my food of choice is yams. no one can bake yams like my Mom. i usually have a salad on the side (honey mustard dressing) and macaroni and cheese. yummy!

5. One thing I've noticed about the holidays is that no one makes Pumpkin Pie like my Grandmother. She has totally spoiled me on her recipe, I just don't like the taste of anyone else's Pumpkin Pie. Are there are dishes or desserts that someone in your family fixes better than anyone else?
along with the yams, my Mom makes a mean sweet potato pie. oh, and her potato salad is so good (and creamy).

6. Since I have no brothers or sisters, I am always wondering what it would have been like. Now that I am older, it kinda stinks that I will never be an Uncle. Do you have any siblings with children? How does it make you feel to be an Aunt or an Uncle? If not, would you like to be have nieces and nephews? Would you make a good relative to them?
i have a brother and sister and each of them has one child. i love my nieces (I have 3 - one great). i do not want children and even with that thought, i feel i am a great aunt.

7. I am putting together a CD of great holiday music. Do you have any suggestions of what songs (title/artist) I should include?

BONUS: How would you feel knowin' prejudice was obsolete and all mankind danced to the same beat?
it will happen one day, but not here. how would i feel? see question #1.

SET 1-55

JMS scribed at 3:35 PM - -

Sunday, December 01, 2002
to the fullest

this is my way to live

What about yours?

made by rav-chan

ouch!SET 4-19
hasn't taken that long in awhile...

a friend recently started a weblog. please stop by see Eshe when you have time...

JMS scribed at 2:15 PM - -

copyright 2002-2004, j. smith
all rights reserved.