what's up!!!! hello, hello. been missing the log. was upset with the last layout and the fact that it didn't work right no matter what i did. the colour was alittle off too. this is better. i will probaly make more changes. you know me. computer still has bugs. i really need to get it reformatted. lesson learned. actually, i've been hanging out at a new sight called orkut that Ray invited me to. very interesting layout and so far, i enjoy the groups i've joined. if you go over, look me up. JMS scribed at 9:50 PM - - update a friend that works in Systems Technology at work just told me to download Adaware 6.0. its a good software to use to elimiate spyware. it's free! i'm going to run it tonight. he also loaned me a defrag disc to help speed my computer up. yippee!!! JMS scribed at 1:54 PM - - dang! wrong size i just looked at my weblog for the first time from my work computer and the size is off were you have to scroll. i don't like that. i guess i will change it back and find something else. i will only blog from work until i get my computer fixed at home. i was able to remove the malicious toolbar by using a free download of SpyBot that i found at CNET. my home computer still runs real slow. i'm sad. ![]() JMS scribed at 10:04 AM - - i like silly things i'm loving the new Quizno's commercials. i've ate 2 sandwiches last week. the Quiznos subs, are a dollar off. when you bring in a coupon! any coupon works. for oil changes or hair plugs beware of paper cuts. so silly! ![]() JMS scribed at 9:48 AM - - piracy i tried to download something off the web, and the wack website put all kinds of bookmarks on my computer, stupid icons on my desktop, and even a toolbar that i can't delete. i am so mad. i hate dishonesty. it also changes my homepage to so everytime i reboot, i'm taken back to the site. i've done everything to try to delete this crap. i hope whoever is responsible dies. there's no reason someone should do this. i can't even shop on the web now because they could be monitoring my computer. it has taught me not to download anything. i usually don't. i can't explain why i did it this time. i even reloaded my 98SE hoping it would clear everything out, but it didn't. I HOPE YOU DIE!!! WHOEVER HAS DONE THIS!!! YOU ARE WRONG!!! YOU ARE TRYING TO GET WEALTH IN A BAD WAY. YOU SHOULD DIE!!! the darn system is taking me to porn sites and all kind of crap. DIE!!!!! 02/16/04 - i still feel this way and hope the worst for them. Psalms:58:6: Break their teeth, O God, in their mouth: break out the great teeth of the young lions, O LORD. JMS scribed at 2:20 AM - - famous questions from Inside the Actors Studio i took acting lessons in the past so..... 1. What is your favorite word? Jehovah 2. What is your least favorite word? death 3. What turns you on? a smile 4. What turns you off? hate 5. What sound or noise do you love? sound of a harp 6. What sound or noise do you hate? breaking glass 7. What is your favorite curse word? i don't curse. 8. What profession other than yours would you like to attempt? chef 9. What profession other than yours would absolutely not like to attempt? anything medical 10. If heaven exists, what would you like to hear God say when you arrive at the gates? Well done my servant. JMS scribed at 2:08 PM - - something borrowed something blue! ![]() i also changed Spiritual Juice, and plan to update rubyspirit this weekend. JMS scribed at 9:47 PM - - 02/16/04 Time Mag Even at MTV's rique V.M.A. shows, the naughty acts usually involve women artists taking off their own clothes-that is, controlling their sexuality. Jackson's flashing was not, despite press descriptions, a "striptease." It was Timberlake ripping off her cup and exposing a breast to hang out like a chuck roast as she cowered in real or feigned shame. It wasn't erotic; it was violent. It wasn't adult; it was preadolescent. It wasn't sexual; it was a choregraphed sexual assault. Two microns of red lace over jackson's areola wouldn't have made that any better." maybe JJ should not have held MJ's hand at court last month ... stayed away like LJ. JMS scribed at 6:39 AM - - places i've been... create your own visited states map JMS scribed at 9:39 PM - - JMS scribed at 8:17 AM - - copyright 2002-2004, j. smith |