ramble on... * is the debate with Saddam a bad idea? * i saw a childhood friend of mine today. we both look so good. ![]() * Norah puts me to sleep. Goapele moves me... * my other boss got the axe Monday... ![]() * i need a real vacation this year. JMS scribed at 10:41 PM - - JMS scribed at 7:15 PM - - never again i’ve been crying all morning. watching movies about black life in America. right now Deacons of Defense is on Showtime. it is a very moving story about racism in Louisiana. i know it is wrong to hate, and that my enemies are not of flesh and blood. so i cry, and learn. JMS scribed at 9:41 AM - - now i'm really glad i didn't win i pick up a 2 DVD set at Target yesterday called :08 minute workouts. there is one for the buns, arms, legs, and abs. 8 minutes each AND they have fitness tips and bonus workouts. a total of 140 minutes!!! i couldn't believe it. the instructors are Gilad (remember him?). there are 5 by him ranging from 5 to 20 minutes. excellent. also Jamie Bernkus and Silk Manning. Silk's Khi-Bae kickboxing is great. much better than Taebo. i just can't get with Taebo moving around the room like he does. anyhoo, i plan to buy his complete workout from EnterMagic.com for only $9.37 on DVD! that's cheap! they also have a lot of free videos (must pay S/H). edit: i found the Khi-Bae DVD on Overstock.com for $4.99! in fact they have a lot of good videos for $2.99. wow! JMS scribed at 1:08 PM - - eBay rush i had a major one today. bidding back and forth right before the auction ended...for an exercise video. the description was so serene. it was described as filmed in Tanzania with animals roaming in the background. i thought i had to have it! this tape was old, and i was bidding crazy. if i'd seen it in a thrift store i probably wouldn't have given more than $10 for it, but because i was 'battling' on eBay, i was up to $22 before i stopped. i had to snap, because that didn't include shipping and handling. i didn't win, and its cool. i had looked for a review earlier at work and couldn't find one. i located one this evening and the reviews weren't good. uneven rhythmn, starts and stops. i glad that i didn't win now. ![]() JMS scribed at 11:09 PM - - a cure for procrastination this website and email notifcation group helps to get organized and staying there. i started this weekend, and wowwee! my house is starting to sparkle. FlyLady i might even order a pin and let the world know i now FLY! LOL! JMS scribed at 9:58 PM - - friday five 1. Explain why you started to journal/blog. it was the next level of cyberspace for me. i had participated in email groups, and discussion boards. having a weblog was the next progression. 2. Do people you interact with day to day or family members know about your journal/blog? Why or why not? several of my family members know about my blog. no one else that i know personally. 3. Do you have a theme for your journal/blog? "sands in the hourglass" - musing about my life 4. What direction would you like to have your journal/blog go in over the next year? its pretty much what i want it to be. 5. Pimp five of your favorite journals/blogs. D. Kelly Smith hardCore Lis Ray black butterfly JMS scribed at 1:38 PM - - tonight's the night i absolutely love this show. ![]() JMS scribed at 7:40 PM - - back to rambling * i don’t like the way Arabic words sound (or look). * with all the talk of war, i need to pull out my Taebo tapes tapes and practice up. * i get so many pop-ups for hidden cameras. am I being watched without knowing it? * i really need to work on my other website. * i’m amazed that people like hockey. it seems so sloppy. JMS scribed at 1:35 PM - - a reason to watch the Queen was nominated. i might have to check out the movie. JMS scribed at 8:57 AM - - shout out! i received a new spoken word CD in the mail today. the group is 3rd Eye Open out of Detroit. i read hardCore's weblog from time to time. i like his vibe. here's some photos of the group. if you can, show some love and buy the CD. let hardCore know DivineJoy told ya about it. ![]() JMS scribed at 9:19 PM - - unusual style
JMS scribed at 12:46 PM - - friday five 1. What did you have for breakfast this morning? If you didn't have breakfast, why not? Yoplait yogurt (luv it!) mixed with a multigrain flake cereal. i always eat breakfast. 2. What's your favorite cereal? muesli 3. How often do you eat out? Do you want that to change? hardly ever. once a month max, and then it is limited to a bean burrito from Taco Bell (370 calories/ 17 grams fat) or if i want to surge i will go to my favorite India resturant. that will be hard because it is a buffet and they have so many good choices. after checking the nutrition of fast foods, there is no way for me to maintain my weight and have a healthy diet eating fast foods. 4. What do you plan on having for dinner tonight? Got a recipe for that? veggie stir fry - put 1 cup of rice on to cook. then start steaming one 16 -oz. package of stir fry vegetables in a wok until thawed. add the rice to the wok wtih 2 teaspoons olive oil, 2 tablespoons soy sauce, and 2 teaspoons red chili Thai sauce. stir together and add approximately 1/4 teaspoon each of ginger, coriander, onion and garlic powders, plus a little salt and pepper. cook for 2 minutes. optional - top with chopped fried egg yolk. 5. What's your favorite restaurant? Why? i like India food. they have a wide variety of vegetarian dishes. my favorite is Taj India Cuisine. JMS scribed at 10:38 AM - - flee idolatry ok, i’ll agree. MJ is bizarre. who’s to blame? the screaming fans (that makes him feel like a superstar)? or the privileged lifestyle? my observations… 1 – the shopping spree was a hoax. the store owner even acted as if Jackson was a quirk. if he had bought the stuff the other day, why was it still in the store? he is in a legal battle right now with his record company for cash. having a billion $$ is all in his mind… 2 – only 2 nose jobs. ![]() 3 – he is addicted to fame. if it wanes, he might really freak out. 4 – i was reading about him long ago and it told he kept mannequins in his room at home, i always wondered what they looked like. where they all white? ![]() 5 – speaking of white, i don’t believe his children has any of his blood. they’re too white… i’m through. don’t believe the hype. MJ or the media. he’s flaky but i’m don’t think he’s criminal. JMS scribed at 2:14 PM - - Tuesday's This or That (on Wednesday) 1. Morning or night person? morning 2. Heavy or light sleeper? don’t know – i’m asleep!!! probably light, i don’t snore, but i do drool… ![]() 3. Remember your dreams or not? remember 4. Do you need a lot of sleep, or just a little? 6 hours a night will do me… 5. Do you need something like a nightlight or TV to sleep, or do you prefer complete darkness? nightlight please! 6. Flannel sheets or some other kind? cotton jersey 7. One pillow, or more? one to sleep with, 4 on bed to look pretty ![]() 8. Bedroom door opened or closed at night? open 9. Wrap yourself into blankets like a cocoon, or just cover yourself with them? wrap 10. Alarm clock: wake to music or buzzer? none - haven’t use an alarm clock in years JMS scribed at 9:55 AM - - Monday Mission from Promo's site he lives in Oklahoma too! 1. Do you remember the first LP, 45, CD or CD single that you bought? Recreate the scene for me. not sure, has to be a Jackson 5 song at that time… 2. What was the last CD or song that you actually paid money for? Samite - Stars to Share, excellent disc! 3. It is my personal opinion that "Munchos" and "Funions" are the most perfect snack food ever. What do you think is the best snack food ever? Cheetos puffs – yummy! 4. Comedian George Carlin once pointed we consider the things we like to keep around us to be our "stuff," whereas other people's stuff is just junk to us (ok, he used more colorful language, but you get the idea). What "stuff" do you have that someone else might just throw away if they were cleaning out your house? n/a, i just moved so i was able to get rid of a lot of old stuff. 5. Do you think it is wrong for people to rush to e-Bay and start selling Space Shuttle Columbia collectibles? yes. 6. Does it bother you when President Bush speaks about God and invokes scripture quotations from the Bible during his speeches? spiritually is a very individual thing. it seems important to him, so go with it. i can’t imagine life without God being apart of everything. 7. I have a friend who thinks she's being photographed in public restrooms. What paranoid delusion do you have?* i glance at my bedroom window ever now and then. i had a peeking Tom a couple of years back (young teenager). JMS scribed at 9:50 AM - - true, true.. ![]() What Obscure Animal are you? JMS scribed at 10:48 AM - - fridayfive.org 1. As a child, who was your favorite superhero/heroine? Why? Pam Grier! ![]() 2. What was one thing you always wanted as a child but never got? nada. i guess i was spoiled. i got everything i wanted as a child. i remember wanting a rabbit coat, diamond ring, and violin. i got them all! ![]() 3. What's the furthest from home you've been? NYC babbee!!!! no desire to visit foreign countries at this time; i'll watch via video. 4. What's one thing you've always wanted to learn but haven't yet? to fluently speak a foreign language. i'm working on it. i want to know French, Spanish, Hebrew and Greek. 5. What are your plans for the weekend? check out Biker Boyz, (which i did - good movie!), babysit my great-niece (fed the ducks, trip to dolla stowe, and took her to the library - great reader at 7), and other chores around the house. JMS scribed at 10:31 AM - - Black History Month i went to a Black Expo recently, celebrated Kwanzaa, and now its time to remember the experiences of our race for an entire month! ![]() February 9 - Rhythmically Speaking Presents: A Box in the Attic i've seen a couple of their plays. excellent! 10 - From Black History Week to Black History Month: "A Legacy of Sacrifice" how the event changed from a week to a month.... 15 - Lift Every Voice & Sing: Langston University Chorale Concert i went last year. they are awesome! 22 - Langston University Jazz Bands: An Afternoon of Jazz Langston is the only HBCU in Oklahoma. lots of soul. should be good. they also have a Taebo and Spanish classes starting on the 4th, and a gemology course on the 15. there's a lot at the library. get your taxes worth. SET 3-01 JMS scribed at 9:54 AM - - copyright 2002-2004, j. smith |