enough already! i am so tried of all the goofy gansta-ism regarding blacks in the media. for the record, i don't know anyone who acts that way! to be marketed in this fashion pisses me off! i can’t stand the way Arsenio acts on Star Search. if Randy on American Idol says “Dawg” one more time, I will vomit. diginity my people; let’s strive for it. ![]() JMS scribed at 10:59 AM - - fridayfive.org 1. What is one thing you don't like about your body? my stomach. working on it… 2. What are two things you love about your body? my mind and my height (5’10”) 3. What are three things you want to change about your home? a place to grow a garden (right now i go to one of my parents homes), other than that, i've very satisfied with my home... 4. What are four books you want to read this year? Invisible Man by Ralph Ellison (started never finished), ditto with Coming of Age in Mississippi by Anne Moody, The Bluest Eye by Toni Morrison and something on my wishlist. 5. What are five promises you have kept to yourself? N/A JMS scribed at 4:29 PM - - marketing that worked why was i watching the marathon showing Sunday night of Two Fat Ladies on FoodTv.com? it did not affect my weight reduction mindset at all. in fact, it helped it! i realized if i ate like that on a consisent basis, i too would be a fat lady. ![]() i was really entertained by their accents, and unusual stories. SET 1-03 JMS scribed at 2:03 PM - - a Potpourri Tuesday This or That 1. Super Bowl or World Series? i'm more into golf and tennis - individual type thing... 2. Winter or summer? summer!!! bring on the shorts and sandals 3. Look up numbers in the phone book, or call directory assistance? look up - gotta keep the brain working... 4. Mashed potatoes or French fries? since i'm watching my weight - mash potatoes. bye bye french fries. 5. Hand-code your website, or use an editor (such as Front Page)? FrontPage - it's so easy! 6. Freeway or winding country road? country road - i like the rural life the older i get... 7. Star Wars or Star Trek? Star Wars!! 8. Disney or Warner Brothers cartoons? Disney - The Proud Family is cute. 9. When it feels chilly in the house: crank up the heat or put on a sweater? both - alittle more heat; sweater AND socks. 10. CBS or PBS? CBS - i want my Survivor! JMS scribed at 9:15 AM - - no longer #1 from the last official count reported by NPR Radio yesterday (couldn't find the article), Latinos have passed Black Americans as the #1 minority in America. we stand at 12.7 million, and they are at 13 million. i heard the Latinos have a plan to breed in large numbers to challenge the land of Texas and California. this was disclose in the book The Death of the West by Patrick J. Buchanan. find it. read it. JMS scribed at 8:59 AM - - one love the Aussie Open has been hot ta def. literally. my girls (V&S) has been playing some impressive tennis. JMS scribed at 1:36 PM - - this little tool may help you... JMS scribed at 8:48 PM - - revolutionary tv comin' at ya I want one! ![]() Tivo! JMS scribed at 10:55 AM - - not the pot part ![]() Who are you? SET 1-51 lbs. lost - 16 JMS scribed at 8:40 AM - - Tuesday's This-or-That 1. Window shades or blinds? blinds 2. Wall or desk calendar? desk 3. Paint or wallpaper? paint 4. Electric or gas stove? electric 5. Carpeting or bare floors? carpeting 6. One TV, or more than one? two 7. Leather or fabric sofa? fabric - i dig the way you can change a room with a slipcover. 8. Eat meals in kitchen or dining room? huh? i know its bad, right now i eat in the living room... ![]() 9. Fabric or vinyl shower curtain? both, fabric hanging outside the tub, vinyl on the inside. 10. Your kitchen: well-equipped or bare bones? well-equipped with: microwave, toaster, blender, juicer and wok. i started to get a George Forman grill this weekend since they're on sale. i added it to my wishlist. "getting to know me, getting to know all about me..." JMS scribed at 11:09 AM - - no desire i know there are 53 different countries, and each country is different; however, i have no desire, none whatsoever, to visit Africa. if a fondness develops, it wanes. ![]() i know i'm not the only one that feels this way. SET 2-26 lbs. lost - 15!!! JMS scribed at 10:39 AM - - bad, bad this has got to be the longest i've let this journal wait until i graced it with posts. i have been very busy reading books. i've even let some of my dailies go. oh no! i plan to get back on track this week. my girl Lis is always there to give support. thanks sis! ![]() * the world seems to hold the same topics. war, possibly war, troops sent to war, etc. the broadcasters talk like it a SIMS game. * ever feel like you are in a strange place you don't belong in? * i have a new boss. quick change, don't blink type action, feel me? * Undercover Brother comes out on DVD tomorrow. ![]() SET 2-06 lbs. lost - 13 JMS scribed at 11:38 AM - - i’ve been gone because… i’ve been tripping. dealing with different emotions. you'd think at my age i have experienced it all, or know quite a bit. i am very versed in some things. i’m glad to know in life you are always learning. my main focus has been on my new quest to accept the times we live in of great conveniences, and technology. i don’t think i look at the world and civilization the way it really is until i started to think of fitness. gosh, where has my focus been? oh yea, i know. it’s kinda personal though. so i have found a group of other women (and possibly men lurkers) who are losing weight and getting happy. understanding the true use of food. i thought about letting this weblog rest for a minute, then decided against it. i really do have something to say! Thursday SET 1-40, Friday SET 0-59 JMS scribed at 9:16 AM - - anti-Americanism caught this insight at BBC. “Last year author Salman Rushdie wrote that night after night, he listened to Londoners' diatribes against Americans. Four things were, for them, the crucial issues, he wrote; Americans' patriotism, emotionality, self-centredness, and obesity. Rushdie also wrote that anti-Americanism was an ideological enemy that the US would find harder to defeat than militant Islam.” as the leading country we will always be looked down on. we can never live up to the standards of every person, or every country on earth. a lot of it stems from jealously. i deal with it myself. it would be best to walk away and let them deal with there own problems (like government corruption). unfortnately we can't do that as a country. shucks... JMS scribed at 11:03 AM - - my lunch bag i find the eating plan to have several small meals a day is best for me. i can snack and not be hungry. this is what i brought in my lunch bag today... item – calories – fat grams breakfast – 8:00 AM ½ cup skim milk – 40 - 0 multi-grain cereal – 120 – 0 snack – 10:00 AM nutri-grain bar – 130 – 2.5 lunch – 12:00 PM baked butternut squash – 50 – 0 cheese toast – 208 – 12 sauerkraut – 10 - 0 orange – 75 – 0 snack – 2:00 PM pretzels – 55 – 0 canned pineapple – 50 – 0 standby granola bar - 110 - 2.5 stir-fry - 240 - 5 total of 738 calories (without standbys) and 14.5 fat grams. my daily goal is 1400 calories and 20 fat grams, or less. yesterday i didn’t eat a snack after lunch. i need to make a note of that menu. “got my mind made up…” SET 0-58 lbs lost - 10!!! JMS scribed at 9:52 AM - - websites i surfed this morning... CNN The Drudge Report CDC BMI Calulator Audio Holy Bible The Truth Anti-Drug French Language Lessons Language Translation Site ![]() SET Monday 1-43, Tuesday 2-19 lbs lost - 8 JMS scribed at 11:32 AM - -
SET 2-09 JMS scribed at 6:11 PM - - Friday Five on Saturday... 1. Do you wear any jewelry? What kind? yes. i wear gold jewelry. necklaces, earrings and rings. zillions of anklets and one diamond bracelet. i plan to trade up to 18K this year, and possibly pick up a couple of platinum pieces. i want to buy more semi-precious stones (tanzanite, ruby, peridot, etc.). kinda tired of diamonds right now. 2. How often do you wear it? daily. i change up with my mood and clothing. all the anklets, everyday. 3. Do you have any piercings? If so, where? 5 in my left ear (1 is a cartliage), 3 in the right... 4. Do you have any tattoos? If so, where? 4 - flowers on my right ankle, a rose on my lower right stomach, palm trees on the right shoulder blade, and a sun and my name on my left chest. 5. What are your plans for the weekend? visit with my uncle and aunt from Minnesota. JMS scribed at 9:50 PM - - Die Another Day - the real deal ![]() man, oh man. i can't believe it! this movie is definitely a slap in the face for North Korea (NK). they mentioned the country over, and over, and over along with the fact that Bond is British, and Halle is American. here's my take on it: 1 - NK leader's son wants to be like an American, and acts like God. 2 - The son wants to abolish the old ways of NK and be more aggressive. 3 - NK is involved with conflict diamonds from Sierra Leone. 4 - Bond's right hand agent is a black woman! (metaphor for Condi... ![]() the gadgets he used was really over the top. i was very bored after a while. i can see why NK is mad. they even showed how they used South Korea as a spy base. Minor mention of Cuba (portrayed poor with old cars), China and Japan. clearly a message was being sent to the world. i agree with Ray. Hollywood is always up to no good. ![]() SET 1-25 JMS scribed at 9:02 PM - - shrink motivation 101 lightweight, thin, skinny, slim, medium, model, Kelly did it, Missy too, emotional rain, fingers stretching in pain, healthy, water, Baby Phat, J-Lo sweats, 34-27-36 (being realistic ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() yep, that's my resolution too... JMS scribed at 12:22 PM - - ccc: corporation corruption continues i bought a treadmill yesterday. upon opening the box the first thing i see is an offer to hire assemblers to put it together for $119. i thought, heck, i've put together a bookcase, file cabinet, and computer desk. i can surely put together a treadmill. the only assembly was the front part. the bottom with the belt was together. first i checked the number of pieces. all there. piece of cake! got my tools and started screwing. i came to a part to add screws were only 2 of this kind were provided. you had no substitute. they did not fit! there was no way in heck they would fit. oh no! now my treadmill wouldn't work. ![]() it worked! those screws were a deliberate decoy for more business. ![]() SET 1-15 JMS scribed at 9:05 AM - - are you being entertained? now it makes sense. i wondered why North Korea had gotten so mad, so quickly. supposely the new Bond movie was a slap in their face. it wasn't on my list to see. now i'll have to catch a matinee. ![]() SET 2-52 JMS scribed at 8:34 AM - - ![]() Today is the seventh and last day of Kwanzaa. Greeting: "Habari gani?" (What's new?) Response: Imani! ![]() Imani (Faith) To believe with all our heart in our people, our parents, our teachers, our leaders and the righteousness and victory of our struggle. JMS scribed at 11:12 AM - - copyright 2002-2004, j. smith |