please help me! that's what my sister said...in so many words. she just bought her first house a couple of weeks ago and isn't happy with decorating. not a problem for me. i love putting together houses, outfits, you name it! after she picks up a dishwasher from my aunt (sweet gift, huh?), i plan to go over there today and help out. i have a subscription to House Beautiful magazine and it keeps my creativity flowing. and... * i realized most of my socks are worn out, so i will get by the stores again today and see if i can get a good deal on a couple of pairs. * although the repair man came out yesterday and fixed my heating system, it is not working now. maybe i'll go this winter without heat and save a few bucks. * i got the links updated. several people i listed, i haven't started reading yet, but i plan to. i like weblogs that are updated on the regular, so that could be why i added them. * i'm really comfortable with this site layout. it will probably stay this way for awhile. SET 1-42 JMS scribed at 10:25 AM - - today and shopping my sister and niece braved the crowds this major shopping day. i was at home. my heat was out so i was waiting for the repair man to come and fix it. there wasn't a need for me to get up early, because honestly i don't need a lot, and i don't celebrate Xmas. anyhoo, my niece called me to go with her to a bazaar so i went. why did i go? i went to my favorite jewelry booth and got her a deal on a 6mm flexible herringbone necklace. the deal was so good i got one for myself. ![]() ![]() ![]() after i left her, i went to buy some bird seed. i love to feed the birds in the courtyard outside my home. they sing to me and remind me if i forget. oh yea, i ended up in the jewerly section of this store and bought 4 semi-precious gemstone earrings (emerald, peridot, blue topaz, and amethyst). i couldn't help myself! there were some good sales out there today. oh, i bought a peridot pendant too. stop by the job to check the fax machine. my company loves the fax machine. i wanted to check it and make sure the paper wasn't jammed while i was off of work. my boss was there. talk about brownie points. ![]() i made it back home to check out MTV Fashion Loud. and man was it LOUD. i like the new things by Lady Enyce and JLo. of course Baby Phat was in the house. oh well, my niece rented some movies that are not due back until Monday, so i'm going to watch them too. ![]() have a good night. JMS scribed at 8:54 PM - - yesterday and family after receiving several calls from family, i decided to go eat. mine you, i'm vegetarian. if they took the time to make meals i could eat, it was only right for me to go. i ate my fill and took a couple of movies to watch. no one wanted to watch movies. we sat around a talked about shopping sales (our worse vice) and then everyone left. my moms plans to get some new furniture. she had my sister and her husband take her old sofa and chair. since half the furniture was out of the house, we took it as a hint to leave. as i was getting ready to leave, you know i had to get some food to take with me. ![]() SET 1-02 JMS scribed at 8:21 PM - - a - z: Nazarite style anticipating born-again comfort delivered eternally. first-rate guide heavenly instilled. just, kind, lovingly made. no other purpose quite real so take unique vow. we xenos yielding zeal. (c)-2002 SET 3-31 JMS scribed at 11:13 AM - - whew! i got the site updated. ![]() JMS scribed at 8:46 PM - - on the 4th day she rambles * one day soon i will clean out my email account. * i enjoy Girlfriends and Half & Half on UPN. * updated more thoughts on the 'Osama's letter' below. * i read the other day, the average vegetarian saves 83 animal lives a year. cool! * the true origin of the Thanksgiving holiday. * i might change this weblog format this weekend. updated Spiritual Juice SET 2-14 JMS scribed at 8:42 AM - - twas the day before... ...the last day of the work week. Woohoo! i love short work weeks and days off with pay. ![]() i joined a veggie webring to give me more sites to surf around this weekend. the link is on the left. ciao! @(*/*)@ SET 1-41 JMS scribed at 10:03 AM - - Osama's letter everyone is buzzing about this 4,000 word text to explain the reason for jihad against the West. there are some good views shared, along with some wack ones. he needs to concentrate on how he can rid the Middle East of young prostitutes whose average age is 8 years. wait a minute, isn't the average bride around that age because Mohammed married an 8 year old too? i dare to think what this world will be like in the future if this madman plans to try and change our country. [edited - 11/27/02] SET 2-35 JMS scribed at 9:12 AM - - maybe, maybe not... ![]() What's Your Personality Type? brought to you by Quizilla SET 3-21 JMS scribed at 2:32 AM - - all creatures like music click on the horses, and they will sing SET 1-48 JMS scribed at 9:50 AM - - living casually Friday!. i love them. rocking my black jeans today. big loose sweater. i work at the corporate office of a supermarket chain so we get extra vendor goods all the time. i scored popcorn toffee, rice crackers and pickled green beans. i've tried the pickled asparagus before and it was pretty good. i also got one of those cute stuffed monkeys will the long arms. i have it hanging on my ficus tree. hmmm, i don't know what my weekend plans are right now. i am not shopping! i refused to buy more clothes, although i could use some pants. i have decided to wear mostly pants this winter. deal is, i'm 5'10" so i need at least a 33" inseam. J Jill was a favorite shopping spot until they started mixing synthetics that are uncomfortable for me. i am not going to see Halle's new movie. i still haven't gotten over the portrayal of black women she made in her last outing. have a wonderful weekend!! ![]() SET 0-55 JMS scribed at 11:31 AM - - like clock work i usually put a rant up Thursday morning. i could complain about the last minute change of Vicky Secret's fashion show and the Amazing Race swap. since i missed the race, i was forced to watch The Bachelor. it was the season finale. i hadn't watched any of the shows this season. it was OK because he had everyone in suspense about who he was going to pick. i like reality shows. SET 4-16 JMS scribed at 4:13 PM - - Wednesday ramblings * websites with frames that hold you when you link out is like “i don’t want to let you go.” * is Shemar Moore on Soul Train trying too hard to be cool? * i love spoken word poetry. * i wonder who invented the shoulder kiss/handshake. * i love my job! updated Spiritual Juice SET 1-59 JMS scribed at 8:53 AM - - checked out a poetry in motion site and made up two very unusual poems. 11/18/02 found sterile boughs whose love were beyond end whatever philosophy hangs their polyester therapy became soft and very delicious 11/19/02 outstretch from my body throat with promise value water hot tears stood polished when pink breath laughs ![]() SET 3-16 JMS scribed at 3:58 PM - - too fat to fight this article says our service personnel are overweight. i know it is a challenge for those of us at home chillin' to maintain, but shouldn't these guys be training at all times, and always ready? ![]() SET 3-20 JMS scribed at 11:20 AM - - nah, should be somewhere with palm trees... ![]() Congratulations, you're Washington, DC., the capitol of the United States. What US city are you? Take the quiz by Girlwithagun. SET 1-37 JMS scribed at 8:45 PM - - on the 7th day... today was peaceful. i lounged around all day. never got dressed. i received a dvd in the mail that i ordered from eBay, watched tennis, read a magazine, ordered a pizza, and drank hot cocoa. oh, i heard a lot of noise outside just now. i didn't know if someone was shooting, or if it was thunder. my niece called on her cellular and there is a dedication for the capital dome and the sound i heard was fireworks. yikes! that was a loud one. i'm only a 1/4 mile from the capital. i looked out and one of my neighbors is outside enjoying the fun. man, i'm a hermit today. i hope you're having a good weekend! ![]() SET 0-57 JMS scribed at 7:01 PM - - no friday five the site has been taken down. ![]() question of the day you're stranded on a desert island. what 2 luxury items would you want to have with you? SET 1-36 JMS scribed at 10:13 AM - - say what you mean someone walked into my office and asked for a report that i have been responsible for, the last 3 years. "do you have the weekly report for last period?" my response "i have all of them." ![]() it drives me crazy when people covertly come to me, wanting one thing and saying another. ![]() SET 2-17 JMS scribed at 9:45 AM - - a change of face the face of music has changed since the last time i followed popular music. i watched MTV last night, a show called Launch. it discussed the release of a new artist named Timberlake who is expected to have a very good selling album. his sound was very R&B. then there was talk about the best selling rapper. He is a white guy too. ![]() wait a minute, the best golfer is black. ![]() there seems to be a billion albums for sale now. some artists are releasing 2 albums a year. is the quality there, or is it a way to keep their name out amongst the competition? SET 6-18 it was mega hard today JMS scribed at 9:22 AM - - knowledge is power i’m listening to the audio tape Up from Slavery by Booker T. Washington. this is a great book. the insight this man shares about his experience from emancipation through 1901 (when the book was published) is so brilliant. i can’t believe it took me so long to know about it. recommend, recommend, and recommend. what are you reading? SET 0-52 JMS scribed at 8:24 AM - - what's your inner flower? SET 1-18 JMS scribed at 6:58 PM - - i have a pony! ![]() i've had my hairlocks for 30 months now, so they are not new to me. i do love them because they are so beautiful and unique. this morning when i was getting ready for work i noticed i could put them all in a ponytail. yay! i hadn't looked for anything new or different in them in months. it's great to know they are growing. i do want the joy of having long hair to my waist. i won't rush it. i'm enjoying the journey. when i get my webcam hooked back up, i'll post some pictures. i's cute ya'll. ![]() ::: here's the friday's five... the questions this week was about the elections, so i picked some from a month ago... 1. What size shoe do you wear? 11 2. How many pairs of shoes do you own? about 30. 3. What type of shoe do you prefer (boots, sneakers, pumps, etc.)? sandals 4. Describe your favorite pair of shoes. Why are they your favorite? flats or low heels. i like sandals to let my feet breathe, and show off my gold toe rings. 5. What's the most you've spent on one pair of shoes? $200 SET 2-10 JMS scribed at 9:31 AM - - you can’t handle the truth why do people lie? i had 2 people lie to me this week, they know they lied, and they expect me to accept it as a normal thing to have done to me. no way. i don’t want to be lied to. i refuse to put up with it. out of my life you go! other rambling… * Winona should have thought more before doing what she did. * I need to sign up for a foreign language class. * i hope Venus wins this weekend. * should i upgrade to BloggerPro? * i need to clean my jewelry. * SET 2-0 JMS scribed at 2:59 PM - - with a solemn sound... updated Spiritual Juice. SET 4-16 (if anyone is paying SET, show your scores in comments...please) JMS scribed at 9:33 AM - - tin cup Yesterday I heard that San Francisco has a very bad homeless population. They are sleeping in the streets and urinating all over the sidewalks. How? Why? The cost of living is so expensive there, why do the homeless stay? Do they expect the rich and affluent to pity them and care for them? Did you know the city of SF gives each homeless person over $400 a month? If they have some type of problem that has caused their homelessness, doesn’t this compound it? What should be done about the homeless? ![]() I say, move all homeless people from major cities and send them to remote areas were they can work on farms, or at least were the cost of living is cheaper. This is not uprooting them because if they had family and friends they wouldn’t be homeless. It makes no sense for them to stay in the major city they cannot afford to live in and ruin the experience for others. Did I mention I take customer complaints at my job? I can understand being upset that something didn’t go your way. I can understand calling to voice your opinion. What I can’t understand is repeating the problem over and over, dragging the complaint out, and always expecting a freebie. It’s amazing some companies survive in our current retail environment. And how is your day? SET 1-58 JMS scribed at 11:06 AM - - good Monday morning to ya! ![]() SET 3-22 JMS scribed at 9:29 AM - - ...boots are made for walking... Wowhoo! i was checking my affliate activity for the month of October. on my page Joy's Soapbox i made a good commission from the top link. ![]() SET 0-52 JMS scribed at 6:19 PM - - welcomed Sabbath aaah. a beautiul, calm Saturday. it's raining alittle this morning. Thursday i won 2 tickets to a football game. the OU team. they're very popular and if I remember correctly, they were undefeated a couple of years back. Wow! $90 tickets and no desire to go. i need to head out to the stadium and try to sell them for $20 each. it would be great because i got my car tag bill in the mail yesterday. $95. i was saving for some new boots, so there will be a slight delay before i strut them. i saw this book titled The Broke Diaries by Angela Nissel on another weblog. i picked it up from the library. it is hilarious! ![]() SET 2-46 JMS scribed at 11:32 AM - - wowwee! SET was supa easy today! SET 0-44 so, how do you like the new colors? i thought i would tone it down a bit. make it alittle more cozy. i still need to add my favorites and some links. i'll be back alittle later... JMS scribed at 8:19 AM - - copyright 2002-2004, j. smith |