i started my morning... SET 1-59 JMS scribed at 10:01 AM - - run to freedom i am so tried of hearing folks in our country who constantly complain about living in America. every country has its problems. in the news yesterday we saw 206 people sailing 8 days, crowded as ever, to get here. i say, swap them out with the people that complain. ![]() there are limits in the immigrant laws for the numbers of people allowed in each year. the refugees don't match the criteria. my heart goes out to them. ![]() i want to expand on this and say, are we spoiled living in America and not aware of the poverty and crime other countries experience on a daily basis? SET 3-41 JMS scribed at 10:30 AM - - a thinking (wo)man's game i'm hooked on this online game called SET. i play it everyday at work, and although i got 4 minutes and 36 seconds today, i have played a game under 2 minutes. i will add my scores in the posts as SET 4-36 so you will know when I play. if you play too, post your scores in comments. click on the links at the website for instructions how to play... JMS scribed at 2:22 PM - - falling back that extra hour did wonders for me. i feel refreshed and ready to work hard today. heehee, mighty funny i blogging, huh? a random thought... * i'm always rushing the clock when going to work. why when i wait for an elevator, there's no one when i arrive, but by the time the elevator comes, there is several people, and now i have to stop on a zillion floors before i get to mine, making me even later for work... ![]() JMS scribed at 10:44 AM - - ok, I did do something... as promised...i got my genealogy page finished and published on the web. since it has some sensitive information, anyone searching their roots in the Oklahoma area and wants the url, contact me. never know, we might be kin... ![]() JMS scribed at 8:54 PM - - lazy saturday i did absolutely nothing today, and it was great! lounging around the house, websurf a bit, write poetry, and play the harp (started a new song). the mail bought a wonderful surprise. a $50 check for helping with an American Life survey my friend hooked me up with. Major cool. now i'm watching the third Batman movie on TNT. i don't remember it. nice to see Val Kilmer on the screen. wonder where he has been? it's really a good flick. i'm hungry. i want something quick and easy. hmmm, stirfry! yea, lazy saturday. JMS scribed at 6:00 PM - - the snipper(s) i'm speechless... JMS scribed at 8:49 PM - - this should be titled... i join a club that post 5 questions every Friday. i'm a little late with this one... 1. How many TVs do you have in your home? one (w/picture-in-picture option) 2. On average, how much TV do you watch in a week? it varies. i don't watch much in the summer, and watch more in the winter. it's cheap edutainment. 3. Do you feel that television is bad for young children? sure, certain shows. there's alot of learning shows on too. 4. What TV shows do you absolutely HAVE to watch, and if you miss them, you're heartbroken? i MUST watch Survivor. i'm hooked! ![]() 5. If you had the power to create your own television network, what would your line-up look like? absolutely no killing, and no horror. i would have comedy and shows that make you feel good. ok, its my first time. we'll see how the questions (and my answers) change week after week... i got the questions from friday's five... JMS scribed at 8:41 PM - - ---------------- insomnia speaks oh, i need to be sleep. my schedule is thrown off just alittle. i was on the web late the other night checking out this site about Black Indians. the history in my state is different from some others because of the Trail of Tears. Its interesting to hear when they did a census of the tribe members when making Oklahoma a state, there were more Freedman (Black Indians) than Red Indians!! i enjoy looking at my past. my genealogy webpage will be up this week. JMS scribed at 2:12 AM - - ![]() JMS scribed at 8:05 AM - - i know, i know. i've been bad. been away too long. of course, i have thought of those of you who visit. i'm so glad you do. there's just so much going on in the world it almost like...where do i start? From meat recalls to the DC sniper, this world is cccrrrraaazzzeee!! i would never have a child. in fact when i was younger, i got upset with my mom for having me. i didn't want to be born. to hear people talk about having kids, especially now, trips me out. of course, do what you wanna. it would crush me, to hear my child, probably a girl, say how much she did not want to be born, like i told my mom. so, no kiddies for me. it's something how you remember things from a long time ago... JMS scribed at 11:18 PM - - My thoughts about the movie Brown Sugar, check it! What's Golden JMS scribed at 2:50 PM - - black americans has lived the past 20 years focusing mainly on straightening their hair. recently there has been a big acceptance to wear our hair naturally. this has caused a new birth for some, including myself. the longer my hair is natural, the more i love it. after wearing my hair natural for 18 months and noticing its character, i could tell it was trying to curl around itself and lock. so i let it. being locked for 2 1/2 years has awaken a close bond with the Creator and something he has given me that is unique. one thing that is popular right now among black american women who are new to this revelation, is to create hair albums to support other black women understand and accept their hair. welcome to our world. here is my hair album. i know some people would say, "why are you letting them in our world?" they are in it already. my focus is to empower us. peace! ![]() JMS scribed at 10:48 AM - - what the heck is wrong with Belefonte? is he mad? how dare he call Colin Powell a "house slave". man, oh man. i can't believe he said that over the airwaves. he's crazy!!! some black people are still so blind, they embarrass the rest of us. **shakin' head** i had a major cool day. my Saviour is so awesome. i love Him! praise Him! thank Him! just knowing him allows me to remain calm throughout all this terror. the world is getting maddening by the day. prophecy was told... today i set up a couple of auctions on Ebay. Check me out! My Ebay Page peace and vegetable grease! ![]() JMS scribed at 10:49 PM - - this weekend i went to a museum for the Seminole Indians in Wewoka, OK. i was pleasantly surprised to see a section that showed the black indians. i wanted to see what was available for my genealogy research. i'm still very new to this process. it is getting exciting. i talked with my parents and got all the information they could give me. i have created a webpage in case someone else in my family unknown to me is searching. they will be able to find it through a search. i will link it when i post to the web. shopping!! shopping!! shopping!! i had a wonderful day shopping today. i was suppose to go with my sister and niece. ha! they backed out. so i alone when to this new store called Kohl's and found bargins galore. 4 pairs of shoes, 4 nice sweaters, and 1 pair of pants. i'm all set for winter. i have plenty of pants and skirts to match these up with. i have been doing alot of impluse shopping, so this season i want to save some money. i am really, really going to try and curb my shopping through Spring. does Ebay count? ![]() JMS scribed at 10:30 PM - - I read a lot of sites at Ezboard. They were down all day today. Man, on man. First they said they would be up at 10 AM. Then 10 PM. I just checked and now it 5 AM! I hope they're up soon. So, does anyone else watch Survivor? I like that show. It was wild today. I sorry miss Ghandia. You will be next. And what's up with trying to vote out Shi Ann? I thought she was cool. I can see she won't be around long. Dang! The evening's over. Gotta run... JMS scribed at 9:49 PM - - when was the last time you read Spiritual Juice? JMS scribed at 1:23 PM - - copyright 2002-2004, j. smith |